Rusty Horseshoe Woodworks
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Lone Stars

Stars are built from Oak, Maple, or Walnut or any combination of woods. Stars measure approximately 23 inches from point to point. The inner stars can vary from 6 to 8 inches point to point. Prices vary according to the wood type from $69.99 to $84.99 plus shipping. Texas residents pay additional 8.25% sales tax. Call (512) 924-4256 to order.
                                                                                Oak on Oak with Natural Finish

 Oak on Oak with 9.5 inch center star in Natural Finish

                                                        Oak on Oak with 6.5 inch center star stained Red Oak.
                                                      Oak on Oak with outside and inner star stained Red Oak
                                  Oak on Oak with base and outside star stained Red Oak with natural inner star
                                                                   Maple on Walnut with natural finish on all.

                                                                     Walnut on Maple with natural finish on all


The 10 pointed star measures 23 inches from point to point. The center star measures 17 inches point to point. The smallest star measures 12 inches point to point. Starburst are made from Walnut, Oak, and Maple or a combination of the woods.
                                               All stars are Walnut with small maple center star. Natural finish on all.
                                          All 3 stars are Oak with the small star stained Red Oak in center star
                                All stars are Oak and were stained Red Oak except for a natural finish on small center star
                                    Small center star is Walnut and everything else is Maple with naural finish on all